'Słoneczna Osada'
"Sloneczna osada"

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  • Horse riding, cart or chaise riding and sledging (15 km)
  • The Museum of Agriculture and Skansen in Ciechanowiec (2 km)
  • Enjoying the sightseeing from the balloon's basket
  • Białowieża National Park - with wildlife reserves, primeval forest, famous from the aurochs (bisons) and other wild animals and rare kind of wild birds
  • Biebrzański and Narwiański Protected Landscape Parks - with bird habitats form. There are about two hundred species of birds and wild animals like deer, elks, foxes, beavers and many others.
  • The Holy Mount Grabarka - with the Orthodox Church and convent, the Hill of Crosses and the Holy Spring. The most important Orthodox Sanctuary in Poland. Every year may/june there are numerous pilgrimage to this Holy Mountain.
  • Drohiczyn on Bug river - beautiful old town with many interesting monuments of the past.
  • Tykocin - the town of two nations Polish and Jewish. This place used to be visited by kings, princess and hetmans. In the past the famous local fairs bustled with activity. The synagogue has the collections of Judaic items and interior arrangements of Jewish home. The seminary has a museum with an archeological exhibition. There are several wooden houses, monuments and churches.
  • The nearby Choroszcz has the Branickis former summer palace with museum of palace interiors (XVIII c.).
  • Knyszyn - there is the monument of the last Jagiellon king of Poland and the museum.
  • Treblinka - the former concentration camp established by the Nazis during the Second World War